June 4, 2020
Without a specific vaccine or treatment for coronavirus, physical distancing and wearing cloth face coverings are the tools we have to continue to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect our most vulnerable.
With more businesses reopening and more residents being out and about, it’s essential that we continue to practice physical distancing and wear cloth face coverings to protect ourselves and each other.
Older adults and those with serious underlying health conditions should continue to stay home as much as possible.
Physical distancing measures include:
• Staying home as much as possible
• Staying at least 6 ft apart from others who are not part of your household
• Avoiding nonessential travel
• Avoiding public gatherings, places where large groups congregate and event venues
• Avoiding crowds, especially in poorly ventilated spaces
• Using verbal salutations in place of handshakes or hugs
Why wear a cloth face covering?
Covering your nose and mouth with a cloth face covering can slow the spread of COVID-19:
• Individuals can be contagious before the onset of symptoms
• Using a face covering protects others from your respiratory droplets
When should I wear a cloth face covering?
Wear a cloth face covering when you are around others who are not part of your household. Your cloth face covering protects them. Their cloth face covering protects you. Wearing a cloth face covering is a sign of kindness and respect for others. It’s best to be prepared and don’t leave the house without your cloth face covering.
Who is exempt from wearing a cloth face covering?
• Children under 2 years old (Children who are 2-8 years old should use a cloth face covering with adult supervision)
• Those instructed not to use one by a medical provider
• Those with breathing difficulties
• Anyone who cannot wear or remove a cloth face covering without assistance
How do I make a cloth face covering?
• Best practices on making and wearing homemade cloth face coverings
• Step-by-step process for making a homemade cloth face covering that requires sewing and one that does not require sewing