Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy Activities for May

May 1 – 31, 2021

The Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy offers a calendar full of special events and monthly activities.

One of the South Bay’s best kept secrets is the surprising amount of natural habitat to be found in the area and it is the mission of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy to “preserve land and restore habitat for the enjoyment and education of all.”

For additional information and registration, visit the website at or call (310) 541-7613.

Check out what’s on tap for May…..

Special Events

City Nature Challenge – April 30 to May 3
Bioblitz Fun – Help document wildlife on your smart phone in your backyard, neighborhood or natural area including George F Canyon Nature Center in Rolling Hills Estates or White Point Nature Preserve in San Pedro. Easy to do. The Conservancy has all of the instructions, resources and activities for you! Visit

Q&A with Author Doug Tallamy, Saturday, May 1 at 11 a.m.
Join Executive Director Adrienne Mohan for a Live Zoom Q&A with Doug Tallamy, bestselling author of “Nature’s Best Hope” who will answer your questions about how to help save the planet by adding native species to your backyard. For more information and the Zoom link, please visit

Mother’s Day Gift of Nature
Mom will love a signed copy of Doug Tallamy’s best-selling book Nature’s Best Hope to discover how planting native plants in the yard will positively impact the planet. To buy copies of the book and to RSVP for a Live Q&A with Doug Tallamy on May 1 at 11 a.m., visit

Monthly Activities

Rapid Response Team, Saturdays, 9am – 12pm. Work alongside Conservancy staff protecting important wildlife habitat by closing unauthorized trails! Tasks include trail maintenance, building fence, installing signage and more! We work at various locations around the Preserve. No experience needed. 15 and up. Sign up at: