October 3, 2020
Style on the Spot will host a Drive-In @ Manhattan Village Shopping Center on various nights on the top level of the new parking structure next to California Pizza Kitchen.
The drive-in movie event of the summer is finally here and will bring the community together for the next few weeks with classic films. The schedule is as follows:
October 3: Jumanji
Reserve one ticket per car and sound will be played on your car radio via a station that will be provided when you arrive.
The first 30 cars will receive a gift card to Coffee Bean. Not only do you get to enjoy a sweet movie but also a delicious free cookie from Urban Plates. We encourage you to order food from the MV restaurants and eat and drink in your cars.
Islands – All guests will receive $10 off a $35 order. Place your order either through Island’s website/app/or call. You will need to mention DRIVE-IN PICKUP and your items will be ready for pickup at a table at the Drive-In. Note, all orders must be set by 7:00 p.m.
PICK UP AT THE RESTAURANT – Place your order in advance. These will NOT be delivered to you on site: Urban Plates, Chili’s, Corner Bakery and Olive Garden. Corner Bakery will be offering a 20% off coupon you can use the day of or at a future date. This will be emailed to you once you have reserved your spot.
Doors open at 6 p.m. and close at sunset and the film will immediately begin. Cars will be restricted as soon as the film starts. All attendees are expected to stay in their car except for picking up food or using the restroom. Masks MUST be worn when outside of your car. They reserve the right to refuse service.
Tickets are $30 per car.
For additional information and ticket purchase, visit the Eventbrite page at https://www.eventbrite.com/o/manhattan-village-shopping-center-18045843807.
Manhattan Village Shopping Center is located at 3200 North Sepulveda Boulevard, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.