May 4, 2020
On April 14, the Lomita City Council approved a resolution extending the City’s existing emergency measures through May 15 to coincide with the County’s newest orders. Visit the City of Lomita’s stand alone website dedicated to COVID-19 at to stay up to date as new information develops.
See a need, meet a need! That’s the Lomita way. Members of the City Council and Lomita employees teamed up to donate funds to help those in our community who need to stay at home but still need access to essential items. After a few phone calls to our local businesses, staff assembled bags containing water, toilet paper and a list of resources available within the community helping vulnerable groups. Close to 300 of these care packages have been delivered to seniors and those in need so far. Additional bags will be assembled and made available to residents as supplies become available. If you know of someone who could use help, please send their contact information to and we will reach out to them and do our best to assist.
To ensure the safety of waste and recycling sector personnel during the COVID-19 outbreak, residents may notice the temporary commingled collection of your trash and recycles by CalMet, due to modified operations at their processing facilities. Please continue to separate materials, and regular operations will resume as soon as possible. CalMet Service continues operating on their regular schedule. To ensure your containers are serviced, please place them curbside by 7:00 a.m. Also CalMet offers collection of bulky item pick-up for free. For guidelines and to submit your request form, click here. For more information, visit the CalMet website or call 562-259-1239.
As our residents cope with the impacts of school closures and other effects, we understand parking may be difficult particularly on street sweeping days. As such, the City has extended the suspension of all sweeping related parking enforcement through May 15. Our sweepers are still working, and our parking teams may still be in the City to address specific safety related concerns as necessary. For more information, contact City Hall at 310-325-7110.
To view the City of Lomita Summer 2020 Newsletter, visit